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On the A13 motorway take the direction of Caen then Bayeux.
Take exit 38 (Vaucelles, Mosles, Echangeur du Cussy).
Then take the direction of Port-en-Bessin.
In Vaucelles, turn left, direction Sully – Port en Bessin.
La Villa: In Port-en-Bessin, follow the direction Grandcamp and at the exit of Port-en-Bessin, go to the traffic lights and then first road on the left.
Follow the direction of the hotel Mercure. The house is on the left before arriving at the hotel.
L’ Ancre de Mer: In Port-en-Bessin, follow the direction of Office de tourisme then first street on the left. The house is 50m away in the corner of the street.
From Ouistreham (25 mi) or Cherbourg (56 mi)